Saturday, August 7, 2010
Back to school!
Posted by Pink Butterfly 0 comments
Labels: konvo
Monday, April 5, 2010
Assalammualaikum and hi...
Lama dah rasanya xmencoret2 kat cni..Now, saya dah kat rumah ^___^. Dah 3 hari dah kat rumah.Cuti sem ni lama sket, 3 bln.Huhu..Pasni dah xde dah cuti pnjg mcm ni.Alhamdulillah, saya pass exam PRO II hari tu.Thank you Allah...Lepas ni dunia aku akan lebih mencabar.Hmmm..Selama ni dok tgk rumate(Kak Faten) pegi and balik dr wad or klinik tiap2 hari, now giliran aku pula bakal tiba.Am i ready enough for that?! Ready or not, i hv to face it! So, be ready Suzana! Sepanjang 3 hari di rumah, 2 hari aku spent hang out dgn Jua kat Batu Pahat(BP) mall.Haha..Swonok! Lama xjumpa so mcm2 lah story mori ni haa..Hihi..Smlm hari last PC Fair kat BP mall, so kitorang pon tanpa berpikir pnjg pon pegi lah menghabiskan masa kat PC Fair tu.Best gak la tapi xla se"grand" kat PISA, Penang.Then, hari ni plak kitorang p tgk wyg, Clash of the Titans.Director dia adalah same director from muvi Pirates of The Carribean.So, aku expect cite ni musti grand lah! Trailer dia pon dah berjaya utk menarik minat aku utk tgk muvi ni.So, bila dah hbs tgk muvi ni, my comment is, director dia ni (tah apa nama xingat), suka sgt ada Kraken dlm muvi dia (Kraken ni mcm adik-beradik or anak dewa la dlm kepercayaan agama apa, xsure, if i not mistaken). So, jadi streotype di ctu..Tp filem ni not bad lah, bole bagi 7 out of 10.Papepon swonok dpt lepas gian setelah sekian lama xtgk muvi! Haha..So, next muvi is Prince of Persia from the same director jgk.Hopefully best! :D
Posted by Pink Butterfly 0 comments
Labels: muvi
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Luv this song..It's meaningful~
You tucked me in, turned out the light
Kept me safe and sound at night
Little girls depend on things like that
Brushed my teeth and combed my hair
Had to drive me everywhere
You were always there when I looked back
You had to do it all alone
Make a living, make a home
Must've been as hard as it could be
And when I couldn't sleep at night
Scared things wouldn't turn out right
You would hold my hand and sing to me
Caterpillar in the tree
How you wonder who you'll be
Can't go far but you can always dream
Wish you may and wish you might
Don't you worry, hold on tight
I promise you there will come a day
Butterfly fly away
Butterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away)
Got your wings, now you can't stay
Take those dreams and make them all come true
Butterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away)
You've been waitin' for this day
All along and known just what to do
Butterfly, Butterfly, Butterfly
Butterfly fly away
Butterfly fly away
Butterfly fly away
Posted by Pink Butterfly 0 comments
Labels: butterfly fly away
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Hidup ni tak semudah yg disangka...
Dah, itu aje.
Posted by Pink Butterfly 0 comments
Labels: hidup
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
New Watch ^_^
Tengah tensen pasal xleh study, so stop jap nak menaip kat cni.Boring asyik menaip comment kat fb and chatting kat google talk, so pindah menaip kat cni pulak lah.Ok, tadi pagi ada briefing PRO II.Fuhhh..Briefing je pon aku takot dah! Actually aku terlupa ada briefing, nasib baik Ady message aku..Hee..Dlm kepala otak aku ni cuma dah terpikir nak kuar kol 2 ptg ni ngn Ady sampai aku xpikir mende lain, sampai ada briefing pon xingat!Then, pukul 2 lebih camtu kitorang pon kuar la..Aku sebenarnya kuar nak cari gula je! Sebab aku geram! Banyak2 kedai (banyak ke?) kat depan USM ni bila aku tanya gula je, gula habis la ape la, xpernah jual gula la, dan sebagainya lah.Hish.So, aku ajak Ady p KB mall..Hahaa..Motif sgt kan?Nak cari gula je pon sampai KB mall.Sebenarnya aku nak kuar jap dari USM ni..Tu jela..Ady pon mmg suka bangat berjalan, maka org yg paling seswai utk aku ajak adalah dia.Nak dijadikan cerita, sampai kat KB mall, selepas beberapa jam, aku terjumpa n berkenan kat 1 jam tgn ni..Huhu.PINK! And ada ciri2 yg aku suka! Harga pon ok.So, tanpa pikir lama aku pon beli..Hahh! Puas hati n happy sbb dpt jam tgn yg penuh dgn ciri2 yg aku suka dgn harga yg berpatutan dan dapat jugak beli gula akhirnya.So, bolehlah aku wat teh O panas kegemaranku dlm bilik nnt.Ngeeee..Maka tersenyum lebarlah aku :D
My luvly new watch :D
Posted by Pink Butterfly 0 comments
Labels: KB mall
Monday, March 1, 2010
Hari ni dah 1 Mac 2010..Kejap je masa berlalu.Rasa mcm baru je beberapa hari yg lepas p celebrate new year kat Pantai Cahaya Bulan dgn Ady, Wan, Yana, Dib, Ihie, Kak Bet and Mira.Dan bila dah masuk bln Mac ni bermakna tinggal berapa hari je lagi aku nak exam PRO II.Ada la dlm 20 hari lagi.Fuhhh..Takot! Banyak lagi xcover nih.Tapi still lagi leh ada kat cni kan?Erm..Jap je ni..Tgn tengah gatai nak menaip kat blog nih.Nnt bila dah dekat sgt nak exam mesti terbiar jap blog ni.So, aku guna time ni lah..Ngehe..Ok lah, nak p study CVS ni.Daa~
Posted by Pink Butterfly 0 comments
Labels: kejap
Sunday, February 28, 2010
it begins
Assalammualaikum and greet to all...
Hi! Finally, i create my own blog! :D Erm..not much to say, juz a little intro b4 i continue to write my bebelan after this 1st post.Hehe..It's a Pink Butterfly, coz it much much reflects me.I luv pink colour very much and butterfly is one of my memory here, in USM Kubang Kerian (USMKK). Well, it was a great starting memory, when i was in 1st year.Oh ya, forget to tell u, i'm currently studying in USMKK doing my degree in Medical Doctor and now i'm in 3rd year.Hopefully i can achieve my dream to be a doctor in 2 years in time.Amin...Oh, i think it's enough for the intro! I have to jog now.Daa..See ya! :D
Me :)
Posted by Pink Butterfly 0 comments
Labels: intro